

Impact of Micro lending to the Economy

Impact of Micro lending to the Economy Access to capital for entrepreneurs Micro lending allow entrepreneurs and potential entrepreneurs to access much needed capital – collateral less capital to fund operations of their enterprises. Lower interest rates In an open…

Jisort vs Other Micro Lenders

  Jisort vs Other Micro Lenders Jisort Micro lending service compared with Branch International, Tala, and Safaricom powered Mshwari. Jisort is platform or marketplace with multiple lender and financial providers offering micro loans and micro insurance to consumers based on…

Jisort Impact to the Financial Sector

Jisort Impact to the Financial Sector What is Jisort Jisort is a digital platform that enable lenders to offer financial products to a wider market at a cost effective rates. Digital delivery of services to a wide online clientele is…

Big Future for Fintech and Micro lenders

Big Future for Fintech and Micro lenders Mostly serve low income earners and people underserved by formal financial sector. Offer flexible products designed for maximum inclusivity – attractive products that can pool low income earners and thereby effectively reduce cost…

Fintech/Microlending vs Banks

Fintech/Microlending vs Banks Micro lending is provided by Fintech companies such as Jisort, Tala, Branch, Getbucks, Lufax among others. Micro lending involve lending small loans mostly via technology platform like smartphones, mobile money wallets, digital wallets, web platforms. This is…

The Traditional dying Banks

The Traditional dying Banks In Kenya and probably in Africa, banks are interested in middle income and high income earners. Banks are also keen to have people with frequent incomes. Offer structured, inflexible products designed for maximum gain from an…

Jisort Micro lending

Jisort Micro lending Jisort is a digital financial marketplace that features multiple financial providers offering financial products to the marketplace users. Products available on Jisort Marketplace include: Microloans Loans Digital products like airtime Micro insurance products Jisort is an organization…

Marketplace Terms of Service

Jisort Terms of Service Definitions Client or Customer – refer to the loan borrower Lender – refer to the lending organization who Jisort considers as a partner in meeting the financial needs of the client Jisort – refer to company…

marketplace privacy policy

Privacy Policy for Jisort and affiliates Jisort is a trading name of Ryanada Limited. Ryanada Limited and its affiliates including Jisort is committed to protecting, safeguarding and respecting your privacy. Jisort, We, refer to Ryanada Limited in this document. Your,…