


CLOUD MICROFINANCE SYSTEM Cloud……???? What is Cloud Services – This are services mode available to user on demand via the internet. This is offered form a cloud computing provider’s server. This brings us to the contract or comparative of the…


CLOUD SACCO SYSTEM For decades now Saccos have evolved in an enormous transformation especially because of the introduction of technology to this sector. Saccos have gone a step ahead to outsource for working systems that enable them to automate their…


MICROFINANCE INDUSTRY IN KENYA Microfinance Institutions play a big role in financial inclusion, and providing credit facilities to many people in the world. They provide financial services to small business and entrepreneurs, bridging a major gap in the financial industry.…

cloud banking system

CLOUD BANKING SYSTEM, LOAN MANAGEMENT SYSTEM, MFI SYSTEM, SACCO MANAGEMENT SYSTEM MOBILE COMPUTING IN MICROFINANCE INDUSTRY. – TODAYS ‘BANKING’ It’s the year 2017 and a lot has changed and is changing fast in banking and microfinance industry. What saddens me…

Jisort loans accounting software

Loans Accounting Software Loan Management Software Jisort stands out as reliable Loan management software in Kenya, Africa and across the world. Serving 150+ financial institutions in Kenya. Irrespective of the type of the financial institution, there are standard procedure within…

loan management software

 Loan management software for Sacco – Savings and Credit Cooperative Organizations  Loan management software for Sacco – Savings and Credit Cooperative Organizations These organizations are formed by like-minded individual mostly drawn from members with common economic activities or area of…

Partners: Jisort Certified Data Clerks

Jisort Certified Data Clerks System migration involve large volume of data imports and transfer from other system to Jisort. Though Jisort has worked hard to make the process stress-free, some exposure is need to make the process of data migration…

Partners: Jisort Certified Implementers

Jisort Certified Implementers Opportunity for people with knowledge how Microfinance or Sacco runs. System implementers are effectively project managers. They work closely with developers and trainers to deliver a complete package for the client. Some of most important skills for…

Partners: Jisort Certified Developers

Jisort Certified Developers Jisort has an Open API that has been publicly published for any interested parties. All features on Jisort are available through Jisort API. Jisort API is simple Restful API that has attracted several third party developers who…

Partners: Jisort Certified Trainers

Jisort Certified Trainers Jisort is a simple system for ordinary people. Jisort also supports advanced users like Accountants, System administrators, Credit Officers, Jisort training is tailored to equip both advance and simple users with rich knowhow. Knowledge transfer is conducted…