Category Platform

Top #10 Lending Software in India

Top #10 Lending Software in India

Since the beginning of modern banking in India, the process to apply for a loan has been too lengthy which followed up with lots of stress, time consumption, tension too. Because of all these, it was very important and need of the…

Lend a friend via Jisort

Lend a friend by Jisort Have lent small money to 3 of my friends and am unable to follow-up – they pretend they don’t remember   You should have used Jisort to lend them, using the lend a friend feature.…

Lending app developers

At this height of mobile lending, every lender needs a mobile app to lend. Mobile App development is highly technical job as opposed to the general assumption. Why you need an experienced Mobile app developer to develop your app An…

Mambu alternatives

Mambu is a German based cloud core banking system. Mambu has gain reputation after pulling marque project with digital banks in Europe, Asia and Africa. Arguably Mambu is one of the market leader in cloud core banking platform providers. Mambu…


Sacco Management Information System Jisort is the most popular Sacco MIS, supports SACCOs, Chama and Microfinance Some of the popular features on the SACCO MIS include: BOSA Member registration Savings Management Shares Management Loan Application Loan Approval Loan Disbursement Dividend…

 Micro loans software

Micro loans refers to loans disbursed in small amounts. Micro loans could be as much as $200 and as low as $1. Mobile loans are popular among low income areas and among Micro and Small Enterprises. Microloans require innovative application…

Cloud lending platform

Cloud technology has transformed Informational Technology Industry and by extension other industries. Era of premises based software is swiftly making way for SaaS and other form of Cloud based applications. This is not different with the lending industry, Jisort present…

Sacco ERP system

ERP system refer to Enterprise Resource Planning. In simple words ERP refers to a comprehensive system that manages operations and processes with an organizations. An ERP system has its bare minimum in terms of functionalities. Jisort is a Sacco ERP…

Microfinance Software Solution

Microfinance sector is the most effective branch for finance/banking when looking at the number of people served. Microfinance sector serve more people than banks. Though amounts of money disbursed through microfinance are lower that amounts available through the banks, microfinance…