Mpesa integrated loan management system

Mpesa integrated loan management system

Can your members pay their loans through Mpesa

What the maximum number of loan a customer can pay via Paybill

Basically Unlimited. As many loans as the customer has

What do I need

Mpesa Paybill

How do they pay

Go to Mpesa Paybill

Under account input customer National ID Number + Loan Product Short code

For Example

A customer has a development loan whose short code is (DL). The customer national ID number is 34534545

The customer on Mpesa paybill will input 34534545DL as the account number.

Where do Get the Product Shortcode

Login to Jisort

Go to Loans >Register Loan Product



Click on View


Select the Loan Product of Interest



Click Edit

See the Short Code or Fill in one if it’s not captured.



We recommend two Alphabets to represent the initials of the loan product.




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