Offering Staff advance on Mobile

advancesalaryTechnology is revolutionizing everything in this world. Technology has transformed Human Resource Management greatly. Early transformation of HR Matters include:

HR software system – allow centralization of employee data. HR system basically is a digital file cabinet of an employee. Main features in a HR system include:

  1. Recruiting module – allow collection of recruitment data
  2. Training Module – captures training activities on the staff
  3. Payroll – compute the staff remuneration
  4. Leave management – manage employee leaves
  5. Time attendance – allow management of time and attendance of staff

leave application

Beyond the software, Human resource managers are now utilizing technology to automate Salary Payment and Advance Salary provision.

Jisort is a market leader in payment automation, Jisort doesn’t only automate salary processing through bulk payment option but has further automated salary advance. Jisort has taken Salary advance mobile.

Allow your staff to access salary advance through mobile today. Jisort salary advance is accessible via USSD and mobile app.

System approved applications are sent directly to the applicants Mpesa account.

With Jisort, employees are able to access instant salary advance.


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