Sacco ERP system

ERP system refer to Enterprise Resource Planning. In simple words ERP refers to a comprehensive system that manages operations and processes with an organizations. An ERP system has its bare minimum in terms of functionalities. Jisort is a Sacco ERP System serving Sacco and Microfinance Institutions.

A Sacco ERP system just like Jisort must have the following functionalities

KYC – refer to member or client registration module for use to register Sacco members

Savings Management – A Sacco ERP must support creation and management of savings products.

Shares management – Shares is also a critical part of a SACCO and therefore shares management functionality must be available on a SACCO ERP system

Loan management – loans are part of all SACCOs, and any good SACCO ERP must cater for creation of loans, loan application, loan appraisal, loan approval and loan disbursement.

Accounting and finance reporting – SACCO ERP system like Jisort has to provide a working Accounting and Finance module to perform bookkeeping tasks for the Sacco. The accounting and finance module also provide periodical financial reporting.

Payment Module – Jisort provides a payment module to capture incomes that the Sacco receives from other sources.

Expenses Module – Any credible SACCO ERP provides a provision for capturing SACCO expenses.

Other Features available on Jisort SACCO ERP include:

  • SMS Module
  • CRM Module
  • Payroll & HR Module