The Best Employee SACCO Management Systems in Kenya

The employee Sacco sector in the Kenyan corporate has been in existence for some time now. These aim at taking care of the employee’s welfare by providing financial support. In these Saccos, employees have a friendly institution where they can make savings and take up loans for self-development.

Every Sacco needs an efficient management system to run its operations smoothly. Discussed are some of the management systems that employees’ Saccos can consider for efficiency.

Loan Disk

LoanDisk is a cloud-based loan servicing software. The software automates the entire loan process from origination to debt recovery. In addition, it has also been designed to manage member savings accounts as well as generate necessary reports.

Its modules include; loans, savings, expenses, and payroll reports among others. These are suitable for the running of daily operations in an employee SACCO.


Jisort Cloud System is a comprehensive easy to use, cloud-based loan servicing software. The modules present make it convenient to use for Saccos especially employees’ Saccos. These modules include Loans, deposits and Savings, Shares, Reports among others.

The software is compatible with 3rd party platforms such as mobile money and other payment gateways. Thus, it is friendly for both Sacco and its members.

Sunafric Group – Sacco ERP

This is a management system with modules that make it possible for Saccos to manage its operations. With this Sacco ERP, Saccos are able; to process and disburse loans, manage Savings accounts; asset management as well as generates various financial reports.

The system is flexible and can be integrated to suit the needs of the SACCO. It is web-based hence can be hosted on cloud or premise depending on the SACCOs preference.

Loan Servicing Software (LoanLedger)

Lastly, the loan ledger. LoanLedger is a cloud-based loan servicing software for enterprises of all sizes. Allows an organization to manage the loan servicing process from application to payoff. It is suitable for financial, mortgage firms as well as private lenders and credit unions.

An employees’ Sacco tends to focus on loans and savings. The features present in this software make it suitable for employees’ Sacco. This includes; debt collection, accounting management, construction loan servicing, automatic fund distribution, and reporting. Other features include logs, audit trails, multiple interest-calculation options.

More people in both formal and informal employment are joining Saccos. Therefore, it is important for the Saccos to offer quality services. This starts with a suitable management system.

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