Why Jisort is a platform for all financial institution

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Jisort is gaining popularity as clients discover power of cloud computing and AI in Microfinance as offered as Jisort platform.

Here are some of the reason why you should adopt Jisort today for your organization

Cost of ownership

Jisort offers the lowest cost of ownership when compared to our main competitors Mambu, Musoni. Some of the cost component at Jisort include:

  • Training costs
  • Customization costs
  • Integration costs
  • Support Fees

Technology automation

Technology disruptions in finance are the order of the day, innovations around mobile money, money transfer among others are transforming microfinance sector. Every now and then Microfinance institutions are looking to have integrations to mobile money platform and new money transfer services.

Jisort is an open platform with an open Restful API that gives it ability to integrate to other modern system

Jisort has integrated with as many systems and platforms as it has been necessary.

Track record of success

Jisort onboarding success is fueled success stories of the early adopters. A microfinance in central Kenya adopted Jisort to run operations of 1000 clients and 400k dollar loan portfolio.

1 year later, number of clients have more than doubled to over 2000 clients, loan portfolio has grown to over 700k dollar. What does this mean?

More staff to handle the growth—no – Jisort has helped them handle the growth without need to incur more labor costs.

Jisort suite of applications including CRM, SMS notifications, Mobile Banking have helped Kuza Microfinance to keep growing


In the era of cloud computing, security is one of the biggest concerns. Jisort has addressed some of these security concerns through a set of security procedures that keeps organizations’ data safe.

256 bit AES encryption of data, SSL certificate, Firewall, 2 way authentications, maker-checker principle, permissions, browser certificates, alerts among others help to keep Jisort platform safe.

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