Online Loan Management System: 6 Features to Look Out For

The financial industry continues to face challenges in the current pandemic. Things will definitely not be the same when it is over as institutions are embracing the use of technology for their operations. Lending institutions, therefore, need reliable loan management systems for their operations now and the future. Discussed are some of the characteristics of a good online loan management system features.

User friendly

Choose a software that has a simple user interface that’s fast to learn. This will save you and your team unnecessary disappointments during training and when using the system. Most software products claim to be easy to use, but that might not be the case. Ensure you request and test a demo first to get a feel of what you might be getting yourself into and to find out if it fits your needs.


Different lenders have unique needs and there is no one-size fits all Loan Management Software. When choosing a LMS, choose one that is flexible and allows customization according to your unique market needs. Customization could be in different forms such as additional reports, integrations, or mobile applications. This also indicates that you pay for functionalities that you need and not the whole batch.

Third-Party Integration

A good online loan management system should be able to work with other solutions to ensure a smooth lending cycle. You do not have to manually input or export data to your system such as payments. The system should be easy to integrate with solutions such as payment gateways, website, among others. A good loan management system is compatible with other popular solutions necessary for the lending industry.


Get a system that meets your needs. Additionally, one that you can access anywhere when you need to. Cloud-based-solutions fit this. The deployment of a cloud-based Loan Management System  is also faster and more flexible.


The Loan Management System is one of the core elements for your lending business. It will contain your clients’ personal data as well as financial records. For cloud based software, security threats such as cyber-attacks could be a great set back for you. Security of the LMS is therefore paramount. Cross check the security measures provided by your service provider to ensure there are no security bleaches that could jeopardize your operations.

Reliable Support

The software company should have skilled and able personnel to respond to queries and issues whenever need arises. Find one that guarantees you speedy and reliable customer service.

As you go hunting for an online loan management system, the above should at least help you land a good one.

Ann Kathendu
Ann Kathendu
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